In Member News

Member Spotlight – Judith Amaro

Getting to Know Judith Amaro

You might recognize Judith—she’s the smiling face checking you in (and taking your money) at the luncheons. Although Judith is a fairly new member, she wasted no time getting involved as she currently serves as Chapter 67’s Treasurer. Thank you Judith for your service—you are doing an amazing job!

Judith is a Land Specialist with Southern California Gas Company and spends her days acquiring land rights for all SoCalGas distribution lines in the Orange County Region. Judith lives in Orange with her husband and guess what—they are expecting their first child! Judith was born in Anaheim and obtained her Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture with minors in Business Management and Geographic Information Systems. When Judith is not busy acquiring land rights, she loves spending her time traveling (she’s been to Mexico, India, Spain, Australia, Tasmania, Canada, Peru and Ecuador), camping, hiking (she hiked Mount Whitney in 1 day) and skiing. She also enjoys hanging out with her dog Benny, aka Little B, Big B (and sometimes Benjamin when he’s in trouble—uh oh). The last movie she saw was Dumbo and the last book she read was “What to Expect When You Are Expecting”.

The most influential people in Judith’s life are her parents. They came to the United States and learned a new language, gave up their professional careers in Mexico for minimum wage jobs (often a few at a time), didn’t see their families for decades, never took vacations, and saved their grief for when no one could see their tears. Judith knows that they did all of this so that they could provide her siblings and herself an opportunity to go to college and obtain a career. Judith is very grateful for everything her parents have done.

Judith believes that the secrets to success are to surround yourself with people who believe in you and support your ambitions. If you want to stay on Judith’s good side, then have a good sense of humor, be ambitious and have determination. If you don’t want to stay on Judith’s good side, then be late the next time you are meeting her (it’s her biggest pet peeve). Judith has enjoyed getting to know like-minded individuals at IRWA and looks forward to expanding her knowledge about the right of way industry.